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One of our company representatives will be in touch with you shortly.
Erika O'Connor
Founder, CEO Perfect Agent
Rent My Property
What type of rental agent you are looking for?
Fill in your details & we'll be in touch.
Let’s start by choosing your commercial property type:
Please select your commercial property type
Please enter the floor area
Please enter the land area
Please enter the property address:
Please enter the unit number
Please enter the street number
Please enter the street name
Please search for and select the area that your property is in
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Let’s start by choosing your residential property type:
Please select your residential property type
Please enter the property address:
Please enter the unit number
Please enter the street number
Please enter your street name
Please search for and select the area that your property is in
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What is the approximate weekly rental of your property?
Please enter the weekly rental value for your property
Is the property currently leased or tenanted?
Please select whether or not the property is currently leased
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How many bedrooms does your property have?
Please select the number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Please select the number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Please select the number of car spaces
What is the size of the land?
Please enter the size of the land
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Fill in your Details
Please enter your first name
Please enter valid first name
Please enter your last name
Please enter valid last name
Please enter your contact number
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Please enter your email address
Please enter a valid email address
To provide you with the best possible service, we need to know if you have been in contact with any local agents. Please advise us of their details below.
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